This guide advises mining, oil and gas companies on how they, or their consultants, can undertake a gender impact assessment. It: • describes some important principles and approaches that should underpin a gender impact assessment; • provides a framework for companies to identify, understand and respond to the gender impacts of an extractive industry project; and • outlines some key concepts, definitions and case studies

A Guide to Gender Impact Assessment for the Extractive Industries

Resource Key: 6QT542B9

Document Type: Report



  • Christina Hill
  • Chris Madden
  • Nina Collins

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Melbourne

Institution: Oxfam Australia

Date: 2017


This guide advises mining, oil and gas companies on how they, or their consultants, can undertake a gender impact assessment. It: • describes some important principles and approaches that should underpin a gender impact assessment; • provides a framework for companies to identify, understand and respond to the gender impacts of an extractive industry project; and • outlines some key concepts, definitions and case studies

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