The Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program in Mining initiative was a collaborative effort launched in 2006 by the Australian government and the mining industry. The handbooks built on the then state-of-the-art knowledge and case studies contained in the original Best Practice Environmental Management in Mining (BP) series of booklets launched in 1995. Although in some areas the content is dated, the BP series still provides excellent supplementary and background reading to the Leading Practice series.

A Guide to Leading Practice: Sustainable Development in Mining

Resource Key: RVNB4X9Q

Document Type: Report



  • Australian Government

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}



Date: 2011


The Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program in Mining initiative was a collaborative effort launched in 2006 by the Australian government and the mining industry. The handbooks built on the then state-of-the-art knowledge and case studies contained in the original Best Practice Environmental Management in Mining (BP) series of booklets launched in 1995. Although in some areas the content is dated, the BP series still provides excellent supplementary and background reading to the Leading Practice series.

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