There is growing recognition that operators in the private, public and non-profit sector need to address gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) more proactively. For the private sector, this is motivated by the need to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional and financial harm GBVH causes to individuals, as well as the financial, reputational and legal risks it poses to businesses and investors. GBVH is widespread. It affects both men and women, but is most often perpetrated by men against women and girls, with more than one in three women having experienced some form of physical or sexual violence during their lifetime.1 GBVH is not inevitable, however, and can be prevented. When it does happen, it is important that it is responded to in a responsible
and effective way.

Addressing Gender-Based Violence and Harassment: Emerging Good Practice for the Private Sector

Resource Key: YPBSEJ2Z

Document Type: Report



  • EBRD
  • CDC
  • IFC

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: London & Washington D.C.

Institution: EBRD; IFC & CDC

Date: 2020


There is growing recognition that operators in the private, public and non-profit sector need to address gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) more proactively. For the private sector, this is motivated by the need to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional and financial harm GBVH causes to individuals, as well as the financial, reputational and legal risks it poses to businesses and investors. GBVH is widespread. It affects both men and women, but is most often perpetrated by men against women and girls, with more than one in three women having experienced some form of physical or sexual violence during their lifetime.1 GBVH is not inevitable, however, and can be prevented. When it does happen, it is important that it is responded to in a responsible
and effective way.

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