The World Gold Council has developed the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (referred to as RGMPs or Principles
throughout) to provide a guide to the key elements of responsible gold mining. The RGMPs are designed for implementation by World Gold Council member companies but may also be adopted by other entities involved in gold mining – subject to them seeking independent assurance by assurance providers that meet the criteria set out in Section 2.3 of this Framework.

Assurance Framework for the Responsible Gold Mining Principles

Resource Key: JVERZFGR

Document Type: Report



  • World Gold Council

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: London

Institution: World Gold Council

Date: 2019


The World Gold Council has developed the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (referred to as RGMPs or Principles
throughout) to provide a guide to the key elements of responsible gold mining. The RGMPs are designed for implementation by World Gold Council member companies but may also be adopted by other entities involved in gold mining – subject to them seeking independent assurance by assurance providers that meet the criteria set out in Section 2.3 of this Framework.

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