This guide aims to help practitioners, consultants and other Interested & Affected Parties (I&APs) working with environmental impact assessments to improve the curation, archiving andmanagement of primary biodiversity data captured during EIA processes and to share data freelyand openly in standardized, accessible and interoperable formats through the Global BiodiversityInformation Facility (GBIF). I&APs are encouraged to share the most detailed data possible, tosupport knowledge about species distributions and provide baseline data for future assessment.

Best Practices for Publishing Biodiversity Data from Environmental Impact Assessments

Resource Key: WHMLIDU7

Document Type: Report



  • Andrew Rodrigues
  • Dag Endresen
  • Rui Figueria
  • Cristina Villaverde
  • Miguel Vega
  • Nick King
  • Asha Rajvanshi
  • Jo Treweek

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}


Institution: GBIF Secretariat & IAIA

Date: February 2022


This guide aims to help practitioners, consultants and other Interested & Affected Parties (I&APs) working with environmental impact assessments to improve the curation, archiving andmanagement of primary biodiversity data captured during EIA processes and to share data freelyand openly in standardized, accessible and interoperable formats through the Global BiodiversityInformation Facility (GBIF). I&APs are encouraged to share the most detailed data possible, tosupport knowledge about species distributions and provide baseline data for future assessment.

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