“Oil and gas exploration, development and production activities can affect the natural and social environments in which they take place. This document provides key recommendations from IPIECA-IOGP’s Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals: Guidance document for the oil and gas industry, which brings together guidelines for the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities in the oil and gas sector. With increased understanding of the value of biodiversity and the services that natural systems provide, governments, lending institutions and companies have recognized that BES management can play a decisive role in the success of projects, including meeting stakeholder expectations, avoiding costly redesigns and project delays, maintaining licence to operate, and gaining access to new business opportunities. Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals: A summary presents the six interrelated BES management practices, along with case studies, that illustrate how these practices are being applied across the life cycle of oil and gas projects. “