The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is actively involved in the development of transport infrastructure in its countries of operation in the Western Balkans, which often requires land acquisition and may entail physical or economic displacement. If not managed properly, displacement can produce long term hardship for the affected population and can result in violation of their basic human rights. Furthermore, it can lead to delays in the development of the infrastructure and associated increased costs. In line with international standards and the EBRD 2008 Environmental and Social Policy (Policy Requirement 5 – Land Acquisition, Involuntary Resettlement and Economic Displacement), impacts arising from displacement must be mitigated. This process requires the development of appropriate plans, i.e. resettlement action plans or livelihood restoration frameworks.

Capacity Building for Resettlement in Relation to Transport Projects in the Western Balkans

Resource Key: NBPHE3PN

Document Type: Report



  • EBRD

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}



Date: 2011

Language: en

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is actively involved in the development of transport infrastructure in its countries of operation in the Western Balkans, which often requires land acquisition and may entail physical or economic displacement. If not managed properly, displacement can produce long term hardship for the affected population and can result in violation of their basic human rights. Furthermore, it can lead to delays in the development of the infrastructure and associated increased costs. In line with international standards and the EBRD 2008 Environmental and Social Policy (Policy Requirement 5 – Land Acquisition, Involuntary Resettlement and Economic Displacement), impacts arising from displacement must be mitigated. This process requires the development of appropriate plans, i.e. resettlement action plans or livelihood restoration frameworks.

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