Conflict-Sensitive Business Practice: Guidance for Extractive Industries consists of guidance on doing business in societies at risk of conflict for field managers working across a range of business activities, as well as headquarters staff in political risk, security, external relations and social performance departments. It provides information on understanding conflict risk through a series of practical documents, including: • Introduction to conflict-sensitive business practice, including an overview of the regulatory environment for doing business in conflict-risk states • Screening Tool for early identification of conflict risk • Macro-level Conflict Risk and Impact Assessment tool • Project-level Conflict Risk and Impact Assessment tool • Special guidance on key Flashpoint Issues where conflict could arise at any point during a company’s operation. Each section includes additional resources where company staff can find further useful data and analysis. The guidance as a whole is designed to mirror a basic project cycle for companies engaged in mining, oil and natural gas, but can be picked up at any particular point in the cycle. It is also designed to complement current industry best practice in social performance, political risk analysis and ESIA, adding in a ‘conflict lens’.

Conflict-Sensitive Business Practice: Guidance for Extractive Industries

Resource Key: ZITGBCMQ

Document Type: Report



  • International Alert

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: London

Institution: International Alert, UN

Date: March 2005


Conflict-Sensitive Business Practice: Guidance for Extractive Industries consists of guidance on doing business in societies at risk of conflict for field managers working across a range of business activities, as well as headquarters staff in political risk, security, external relations and social performance departments. It provides information on understanding conflict risk through a series of practical documents, including: • Introduction to conflict-sensitive business practice, including an overview of the regulatory environment for doing business in conflict-risk states • Screening Tool for early identification of conflict risk • Macro-level Conflict Risk and Impact Assessment tool • Project-level Conflict Risk and Impact Assessment tool • Special guidance on key Flashpoint Issues where conflict could arise at any point during a company’s operation. Each section includes additional resources where company staff can find further useful data and analysis. The guidance as a whole is designed to mirror a basic project cycle for companies engaged in mining, oil and natural gas, but can be picked up at any particular point in the cycle. It is also designed to complement current industry best practice in social performance, political risk analysis and ESIA, adding in a ‘conflict lens’.

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