“The United Nations Environment Programme: Dams and Development Project is presently engaged
in the compilation of the first edition of a Compendium of Relevant Practice. One of the key issues
identified for inclusion in the Compendium is Social Impact Assessment of Affected People. The
overall objective of the assignment was to identify, collect information and compile examples of
relevant practice concerning the integration into policy/normative frameworks and the implementation
of Social Impact Assessment. This Extended Executive Summary addresses Social Impact
Assessment and covers four primary aspects:
Characterisation of the state of the art of Social Impact Assessment.
Examination of 15 case studies that illustrate aspects of relevant practice in the implementation
of Social Impact Assessment. A database of source material for each case study. A summary of key findings and recommendations.”

Dams and Development Project: Compendium on Relevant Practices – Social Impact Assessment of Affected People

Resource Key: QD5EZHLV

Document Type: Report



  • United Nations Environment Programme

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Nairobi, Kenya

Institution: United Nations Environment Programme

Date: February 2007


“The United Nations Environment Programme: Dams and Development Project is presently engaged
in the compilation of the first edition of a Compendium of Relevant Practice. One of the key issues
identified for inclusion in the Compendium is Social Impact Assessment of Affected People. The
overall objective of the assignment was to identify, collect information and compile examples of
relevant practice concerning the integration into policy/normative frameworks and the implementation
of Social Impact Assessment. This Extended Executive Summary addresses Social Impact
Assessment and covers four primary aspects:
Characterisation of the state of the art of Social Impact Assessment.
Examination of 15 case studies that illustrate aspects of relevant practice in the implementation
of Social Impact Assessment. A database of source material for each case study. A summary of key findings and recommendations.”

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