This report sheds light on the policy requirements and initial implementation experiences of the REIPPP. It explores emerging evidence of local community development schemes established by the renewable energy industry and proposes steps to overcome emerging challenges. Information in this report is based on a review of the bid documents submitted to the Department of Energy as well as engagements with policy stakeholders in public forums such as conferences and workshops. Stakeholders include Government and the private sector, non governmental organisations as well as members of communities engaged with renewable energy projects. The findings indicate that private sector companies are taking the requirements seriously, but they require support to maximise the developmental benefits of the programme and minimise the risk of unintended consequences that will hamper the success of community benefit initiatives. The REIPPP assigns renewable energy companies with the difficult task of creating local developmental benefits in an effort to reduce the weight of structural and systemic issues of poverty and inequality. Companies, however, lack the capacity and incentive to appropriately engage with issues of development planning.