The ESAP describes how the Bank and its borrowers should work together to ensure that environmental, climate change and social considerations are integrated into the project cycle
from country programming to post completion. It represents a coordination mechanism between the Bank, relevant government agencies and private sector entities and plays an important role in building the environmental, social and climate change management capacity of the project’s executing agency.

Environmental and Social Assessment Procedures

Resource Key: RBK8HDPC

Document Type: Report



  • African Development Bank

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Côte d’Ivoire

Institution: African Development Bank Group

Date: 2015

Language: en

The ESAP describes how the Bank and its borrowers should work together to ensure that environmental, climate change and social considerations are integrated into the project cycle
from country programming to post completion. It represents a coordination mechanism between the Bank, relevant government agencies and private sector entities and plays an important role in building the environmental, social and climate change management capacity of the project’s executing agency.

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