1. The World Bank Environmental and Social Framework sets out the World Bank’s commitment to sustainable development, through a Bank Policy and a set of Envi ronmental and Social Standards that are designed to support Borrowers’ projects, with the aim of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity.1 1 This Overview is for information only, and does not form part of the Environmental and Social Framework. 2. This Framework comprises: • A Vision for Sustainable Development, which sets out the Bank’s aspirations regarding envi ronmental and social sustainability; • The World Bank Environmental and Social Policy for Investment Project Financing, which sets out the mandatory requirements that apply to the Bank; and • The Environmental and Social Standards, together with their Annexes, which set out the mandatory requirements that apply to the Bor rower and projects. 3. The World Bank Environmental and Social Pol icy for Investment Project Financing sets out the requirements that the Bank must follow regarding projects it supports through Investment Project Financing. 4. The Environmental and Social Standards set out the requirements for Borrowers relating to the iden tification and assessment of environmental and social risks and impacts associated with projects supported by the Bank through Investment Project Financing. The Bank believes that the application of these standards, by focusing on the identifica tion and management of environmental and social risks, will support Borrowers in their goal to reduce poverty and increase prosperity in a sustainable manner for the benefit of the environment and their citizens. The standards will: (a) support Bor rowers in achieving good international practice relating to environmental and social sustainabil ity; (b) assist Borrowers in fulfilling their national and international environmental and social obli gations; (c) enhance nondiscrimination, transpar ency, participation, accountability and governance; and (d) enhance the sustainable development out comes of projects through ongoing stakeholder engagement. 1 1707130_Environmental_and_Social_Framework.indd ix 4/12/17 4:16 PM x 5. The ten Environmental and Social Standards establish the standards that the Borrower and the project will meet through the project life cycle, as follows: • Environmental and Social Standard 1: Assess ment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts; • Environmental and Social Standard 2: Labor and Working Conditions; • Environmental and Social Standard 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management; • Environmental and Social Standard 4: Commu nity Health and Safety; • Environmental and Social Standard 5: Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Invol untary Resettlement; • Environmental and Social Standard 6: Biodiver sity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources; • Environmental and Social Standard 7: Indig enous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities; • Environmental and Social Standard 8: Cultural Heritage; • Environmental and Social Standard 9: Financial Intermediaries; and • Environmental and Social Standard 10: Stake holder Engagement and Information Disclosure.

Environmental and Social Framework

Resource Key: E6UHRBP5

Document Type: Report



  • World Bank

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Washington D.C.

Institution: World Bank

Date: 2017


1. The World Bank Environmental and Social Framework sets out the World Bank’s commitment to sustainable development, through a Bank Policy and a set of Envi ronmental and Social Standards that are designed to support Borrowers’ projects, with the aim of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity.1 1 This Overview is for information only, and does not form part of the Environmental and Social Framework. 2. This Framework comprises: • A Vision for Sustainable Development, which sets out the Bank’s aspirations regarding envi ronmental and social sustainability; • The World Bank Environmental and Social Policy for Investment Project Financing, which sets out the mandatory requirements that apply to the Bank; and • The Environmental and Social Standards, together with their Annexes, which set out the mandatory requirements that apply to the Bor rower and projects. 3. The World Bank Environmental and Social Pol icy for Investment Project Financing sets out the requirements that the Bank must follow regarding projects it supports through Investment Project Financing. 4. The Environmental and Social Standards set out the requirements for Borrowers relating to the iden tification and assessment of environmental and social risks and impacts associated with projects supported by the Bank through Investment Project Financing. The Bank believes that the application of these standards, by focusing on the identifica tion and management of environmental and social risks, will support Borrowers in their goal to reduce poverty and increase prosperity in a sustainable manner for the benefit of the environment and their citizens. The standards will: (a) support Bor rowers in achieving good international practice relating to environmental and social sustainabil ity; (b) assist Borrowers in fulfilling their national and international environmental and social obli gations; (c) enhance nondiscrimination, transpar ency, participation, accountability and governance; and (d) enhance the sustainable development out comes of projects through ongoing stakeholder engagement. 1 1707130_Environmental_and_Social_Framework.indd ix 4/12/17 4:16 PM x 5. The ten Environmental and Social Standards establish the standards that the Borrower and the project will meet through the project life cycle, as follows: • Environmental and Social Standard 1: Assess ment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts; • Environmental and Social Standard 2: Labor and Working Conditions; • Environmental and Social Standard 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management; • Environmental and Social Standard 4: Commu nity Health and Safety; • Environmental and Social Standard 5: Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Invol untary Resettlement; • Environmental and Social Standard 6: Biodiver sity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources; • Environmental and Social Standard 7: Indig enous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities; • Environmental and Social Standard 8: Cultural Heritage; • Environmental and Social Standard 9: Financial Intermediaries; and • Environmental and Social Standard 10: Stake holder Engagement and Information Disclosure.

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