Consistent with FAO’s mandate to pursue a world free from hunger and malnutrition, and grounded in the utmost respect for universal human rights, this policy is in place to ensure that FAO will make all due efforts to respect, include and promote indigenous peoples’ issues in its overall work. The policy is motivated by the fundamental fact that indigenous communities make up a substantial portion of the world’s food insecure, that respect for indigenous knowledge, cultures and traditional practices contributes to sustainable and equitable development and by recognition of the benefits that arise from closer collaboration. At the same time, it responds to the explicit request made by the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), by fellow UN agencies and by indigenous peoples themselves to develop a framework for ensuring that the needs and concerns of indigenous peoples are effectively considered. The purpose of this policy document is to provide FAO with a framework to guide its work on indigenous peoples’ issues. Current activities follow no systematic course of action relating to such issues and will benefit greatly from the delineation of a common direction and approach. At the same time, it is also of relevance to indigenous peoples themselves, helping to communicate and clarify what they can reasonably expect from the Organization. The document highlights some of the key areas covered by FAO’s mandate and addresses the motivations as well as the advantages of a partnership between FAO and indigenous peoples. It is the result of a series of consultations with leaders of indigenous peoples, the UNPFII, the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues (IASG) and members of FAO’s professional body. As such, it addresses a diverse set of outlooks and feasible opportunities for future work.