“This publication with frequently asked questions (FAQs) aims to explain the background and the contents of the Guiding Principles and how they relate to the broader human rights system and other frameworks. It is not intended as operational guidance, but does list such guidance and other resources to support practical implementation in its annexes III and IV. In addition, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has produced an interpretive guide on the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, explaining the meaning, intent and implications of those Guiding Principles that are directed at companies.2 The
present publication with FAQs is intended as a companion to the Guiding
Principles and the Interpretive Guide. It is hoped that it will help both
practitioners and newcomers to navigate the Guiding Principles and improve
their understanding of the Guiding Principles by placing these in context.
It is addressed to a broad audience, from human rights practitioners,
governments, civil society, trade unions and companies to members of the
general public with an interest in understanding this important framework for
managing human rights risks related to business activities.
This publication covers many issues that were the subject of extensive consultations
during the development of the Guiding Principles and answers questions that
were raised by stakeholders both before and after their endorsement by the
Human Rights Council. The publication does not in any way change or add to
the provisions of the Guiding Principles or to the expectations that they set for
States and businesses.
A number of organizations with particular sector- or issue-based focus also
provide tools and guidance to boost the dissemination and implementation of
the Guiding Principles. Some of these are listed in annexes III and IV below.”