Access to land is a central issue because it is a crucial asset for foodproduction and a key factor for shelter and community development. Howissues related to rights of access are addressed in development projects andprogrammes has a direct impact on the livelihood and security of peoplenot only in rural areas, but in urban and peri-urban settings as well. Failureto address the land tenure interests of all stakeholders in land developmentor land reform can cause problems and inequities. These problems canunintentionally fall on the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members ofsociety.1Land administration professionals therefore should be aware ofgender issues relating to access to land.

Gender and access to land

Resource Key: KI2TJD62

Document Type: Report



  • FAO

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}



Date: 2002


Access to land is a central issue because it is a crucial asset for foodproduction and a key factor for shelter and community development. Howissues related to rights of access are addressed in development projects andprogrammes has a direct impact on the livelihood and security of peoplenot only in rural areas, but in urban and peri-urban settings as well. Failureto address the land tenure interests of all stakeholders in land developmentor land reform can cause problems and inequities. These problems canunintentionally fall on the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members ofsociety.1Land administration professionals therefore should be aware ofgender issues relating to access to land.

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