The temperature is rising. To meet its ambitious 82% renewable energy target for 2030, the federal government has announced it’s dumping its Renewable Energy Target policy and replacing it with auctions as the best mechanism to get new renewable energy projects under way. The revised Capacity Investment Scheme will ramp up from 6 gigawatts (GW) of storage to more than 9GW of dispatchable capacity, and will add 23GW of variable capacity, or wind and solar. The Scheme will be eligible to “uncommitted” projects from November 2023. First Nations are reasonably expected to feel some anticipation about this.

Getting this energy transition right

Resource Key: RKEGNFLR

Document Type: Report



  • Jonathan Kneebone

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Australia

Institution: First Nations Clean Energy Network

Date: November 2023

Language: en

The temperature is rising. To meet its ambitious 82% renewable energy target for 2030, the federal government has announced it’s dumping its Renewable Energy Target policy and replacing it with auctions as the best mechanism to get new renewable energy projects under way. The revised Capacity Investment Scheme will ramp up from 6 gigawatts (GW) of storage to more than 9GW of dispatchable capacity, and will add 23GW of variable capacity, or wind and solar. The Scheme will be eligible to “uncommitted” projects from November 2023. First Nations are reasonably expected to feel some anticipation about this.

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