This Good Practice Handbook proposes as a useful preliminary approach for developers in emerging markets the conduct of a rapid cumulative impact assessment (RCIA). The RCIA can be an integral component of the ESIA or a separate process. It entails a desk review that, in consultation with the affected communities and other stakeholders, enables the developer to determine whether its activities are likely to significantly affect the viability or sustainability of selected VECs. The proposed approach recognizes that, especially in emerging markets, the many challenges associated with managing a good CIA process include lack of basic baseline data, uncertainty associated with anticipated developments, limited government capacity, and absence of strategic regional, sectoral, or integrated resource planning schemes. Given the many challenges, this handbook recommends that developers: • follow a six-step RCIA process, • engage stakeholders as early as possible and throughout the decision-making process,3 and • clearly record the fundamental reasoning behind each important decision made, supporting it with as much technical evidence as possible.

Good Practice Handbook – Cumulative Impact Assessment and Management: Guidance for the Private Sector in Emerging Markets

Resource Key: 3TVDVGWS

Document Type: Report



  • IFC

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}


Institution: IFC

Date: 2013


This Good Practice Handbook proposes as a useful preliminary approach for developers in emerging markets the conduct of a rapid cumulative impact assessment (RCIA). The RCIA can be an integral component of the ESIA or a separate process. It entails a desk review that, in consultation with the affected communities and other stakeholders, enables the developer to determine whether its activities are likely to significantly affect the viability or sustainability of selected VECs. The proposed approach recognizes that, especially in emerging markets, the many challenges associated with managing a good CIA process include lack of basic baseline data, uncertainty associated with anticipated developments, limited government capacity, and absence of strategic regional, sectoral, or integrated resource planning schemes. Given the many challenges, this handbook recommends that developers: • follow a six-step RCIA process, • engage stakeholders as early as possible and throughout the decision-making process,3 and • clearly record the fundamental reasoning behind each important decision made, supporting it with as much technical evidence as possible.

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