The First Nations Major Projects Coalition (the Coalition) has developed the attached supplementary Topic-Specific Assessment Requirements (or Guidance Appendices) to improve the assessment of potential project impacts on Indigenous Nations situated within Canada. These Guidance Appendices are in support of the Coalition’s Major Project Assessment Standard (MPAS). The Appendices are intended for use as a suite of expected impact assessment practices that Coalition members and other Indigenous groups, on their own or in concert with other Parties like governments and Proponents, can choose to adopt as part of their own “checklist” of essential major project assessment practices. The requirements identified in each of the Appendices are drawn from a deep analysis of existing good to best practice guidance, academic writings, the experiences of Coalition members and the expertise of the Coalitions’ Environmental Stewardship Technical Team. They have been vetted by the Coalition’s Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee, and have been adopted by the Caucus as expected practices, as of October 21, 2019.