The purpose of this brief is to provide a comprehensive overview of the various instruments developed to provide good practice guidance for the extractive industries. While some of the documents discussed in this brief constitute soft law mechanismsaimed at providing states and industry with guidelines for good practice, there are also a number of instruments that are legally binding multilateral conventions. Since the development of the extractive industries overlaps significantly with both state practiceand industry practice, the guidelines and legal instruments provided in this brief are likewise diverse. The brief is divided into three sections. Each instrument in these sections is described in relevant detail; and at the end of each description, there is a set of links directing the user to further web-‐based information. The first section describes the legally binding conventions and declarations that have been negotiated and signed by states. These conventions all deal–directly or indirectly–withquestions relevant to the extractive industries. Topics covered in these instruments include promises to reduce corruption, to protect the rights of indigenous populations, to alleviate global poverty, and to the protection of human rights generally.