Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is an established form of IA, applied in diff erent countries worldwide for at least twenty years. HIA encompasses a broad range of applications and may be defi ned as[…] a combination of procedures, methods and tools that systematically judges the poten-tial, and sometimes unintended, eff ects of a policy, plan, programme or project on the health of a population and the distribution of those eff ects within the population. HIA iden-tifi es appropriate actions to manage those eff ects. [IAIA]Health is infl uenced, for good and bad, by a variety of factors, referred to as health determinants. These operate at all levels from genetic predisposition to individual, family and community levels and to national and global trends. Most health determinants are not under the control of the health sector. Hence, like all IA practice, HIA advocates stronger inter-sectoral collaboration and focuses on strengthening links between health and other sectors of society (an approach known as “Health in All Policies”).

Health Impact Assessment

Resource Key: SUWTNMUS

Document Type: Report



  • Marco Martuzzi
  • Ben Cave
  • Julia Nowacki
  • Francesca Viliani
  • Salim Vohra

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}



Date: 2014


Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is an established form of IA, applied in diff erent countries worldwide for at least twenty years. HIA encompasses a broad range of applications and may be defi ned as[…] a combination of procedures, methods and tools that systematically judges the poten-tial, and sometimes unintended, eff ects of a policy, plan, programme or project on the health of a population and the distribution of those eff ects within the population. HIA iden-tifi es appropriate actions to manage those eff ects. [IAIA]Health is infl uenced, for good and bad, by a variety of factors, referred to as health determinants. These operate at all levels from genetic predisposition to individual, family and community levels and to national and global trends. Most health determinants are not under the control of the health sector. Hence, like all IA practice, HIA advocates stronger inter-sectoral collaboration and focuses on strengthening links between health and other sectors of society (an approach known as “Health in All Policies”).

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