This document integrates the recommendations that the IOGP-IPIECA Health Committee considers essential for optimal health and human performance. This is the third edition and supersedes the second edition, published by IOGP-IPIECA in 2011. This guide sets up an operational framework that builds on, and refers to, other IOGP-IPIECA guides where appropriate for more detail. The framework is presented primarily from the perspective of projects and field operations in upstream activities; however, the underlying principles of health risk assessment and mitigation
are equally relevant to midstream and downstream activities as well as office locations.

Health management the oil and gas industry: A guide for the oil and gas industry

Resource Key: LSXJJZBM

Document Type: Report




Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: London

Institution: IPIECA & IOGP

Date: 2019


This document integrates the recommendations that the IOGP-IPIECA Health Committee considers essential for optimal health and human performance. This is the third edition and supersedes the second edition, published by IOGP-IPIECA in 2011. This guide sets up an operational framework that builds on, and refers to, other IOGP-IPIECA guides where appropriate for more detail. The framework is presented primarily from the perspective of projects and field operations in upstream activities; however, the underlying principles of health risk assessment and mitigation
are equally relevant to midstream and downstream activities as well as office locations.

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