The Practical Tool offers businesses practical advice, experiences, and insights on how to integrate environmental dimensions into their human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for how they address adverse impacts on human rights resulting from environmental harms, including on the new right to a healthy environment. The Practical Tool can also be of relevance to other stakeholders, particularly States in developing human rights and environmental due diligence and disclosure measures, as well as CSOs, trade unions, community-based groups, National Human Rights Institutions, environmental human rights defenders, and investors engaged in working with and monitoring businesses’ human rights and environmental performance.

Human Rights Due Diligence and the Environment: A Practical Tool for Business

Resource Key: 5FPLX8HQ

Document Type: Report



  • UNDP

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: New York

Institution: United Nations Development Programme

Date: November 2024

Language: en

The Practical Tool offers businesses practical advice, experiences, and insights on how to integrate environmental dimensions into their human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for how they address adverse impacts on human rights resulting from environmental harms, including on the new right to a healthy environment. The Practical Tool can also be of relevance to other stakeholders, particularly States in developing human rights and environmental due diligence and disclosure measures, as well as CSOs, trade unions, community-based groups, National Human Rights Institutions, environmental human rights defenders, and investors engaged in working with and monitoring businesses’ human rights and environmental performance.

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