It is with pleasure that we present the Indicators of Juruti, the re-sult of a project developed by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in conjunction with the population of Juruti and the support of Alcoa. The origin of the project dates back to 2005, when Alcoa invited the FGV and the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (Funbio) to present a proposal for a long-term local development model for Juruti, which at the time was embarking on a period of large-scale and profound changes to its very being, given the arrival of the company to set up a mining project in the region.The model that was presented, called “Sustainable Juruti”, is un-derpinned by four premises and a three-pronged intervention. The first premise is the broad and effective participation of society. The second assumes that the transformations caused by the installation of the bauxite mine in Juruti will spill over the municipal limits. The third, that these transformations will occur within a context of re-gional development. The fourth premise is the need for an ongoing internalization of sustainability inside the company.The three-pronged approach to intervention consists of the cre-ation of a public space for social mobilization, the construction of indicators to monitor the social, environmental and economic transformations occurring in Juruti and the wider region, and the creation of a support fund for local development projects.