1. On 20 July 2009, the Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) that governs environmental and social safeguards applicable to ADB’s operations in developing member countries (DMCs). The SPS became effective on 20 January 2010. It builds on the three previous ADB safeguard policies on the environment, involuntary resettlement, and Indigenous Peoples (IP), and brings them into one consolidated safeguard policy framework to enhance relevance and effectiveness. 2. This Sourcebook focuses on the SPS requirements pertaining to IP as well as some good practices. It does not change or establish policy. Instead, it aims to increase the likelihood that ADB-supported projects will achieve the objectives of IP safeguards set out in the SPS, by adding clarity, providing further technical guidance, and recommending good practices in implementing the SPS. The Sourcebook is based on ADB’s own experience in effectively planning and implementing IP safeguards and in international good practices adopted by multilateral development banks. It does not seek to be definitive and exclusive. 3. The Sourcebook is for use of ADB staff and consultants; borrowers/clients and executing agencies; and private sector clients and development practitioners, including nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and Indigenous Peoples Organizations (IPOs). It should be considered a working document that will be updated periodically in light of lessons learned in applying the SPS.

Indigenous Peoples Safeguards: A Planning and Implementation Good Practice Sourcebook

Resource Key: SFTKFQ5M

Document Type: Report



  • Asian Development Bank

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}


Institution: Asian Development Bank

Date: June 2013


1. On 20 July 2009, the Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) that governs environmental and social safeguards applicable to ADB’s operations in developing member countries (DMCs). The SPS became effective on 20 January 2010. It builds on the three previous ADB safeguard policies on the environment, involuntary resettlement, and Indigenous Peoples (IP), and brings them into one consolidated safeguard policy framework to enhance relevance and effectiveness. 2. This Sourcebook focuses on the SPS requirements pertaining to IP as well as some good practices. It does not change or establish policy. Instead, it aims to increase the likelihood that ADB-supported projects will achieve the objectives of IP safeguards set out in the SPS, by adding clarity, providing further technical guidance, and recommending good practices in implementing the SPS. The Sourcebook is based on ADB’s own experience in effectively planning and implementing IP safeguards and in international good practices adopted by multilateral development banks. It does not seek to be definitive and exclusive. 3. The Sourcebook is for use of ADB staff and consultants; borrowers/clients and executing agencies; and private sector clients and development practitioners, including nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and Indigenous Peoples Organizations (IPOs). It should be considered a working document that will be updated periodically in light of lessons learned in applying the SPS.

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