This report on biodiversity offsets is the fifth in a series published by the
World Bank’s Inspection Panel drawing on the main lessons that have emerged from its caseload over 26 years. The Inspection Panel was cre ated in 1993 by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors to receive and investigate complaints submitted by people actually or potentially suffering harm allegedly caused by Bank projects. With these reports, the Panel aims to contribute to institutional learning at the World Bank and in the larger development community by highlighting areas where improvements can enhance the social, environmental and overall sus tainability of Bank-funded operations, further development effective ness and enhance transparency.

Insights into Kalagala biodiversity offset associated with the Bujagali Power Project in Uganda

Resource Key: FN2B8T44

Document Type: Report



  • World Bank

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Washington D.C.

Institution: World Bank

Date: May 2020


This report on biodiversity offsets is the fifth in a series published by the
World Bank’s Inspection Panel drawing on the main lessons that have emerged from its caseload over 26 years. The Inspection Panel was cre ated in 1993 by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors to receive and investigate complaints submitted by people actually or potentially suffering harm allegedly caused by Bank projects. With these reports, the Panel aims to contribute to institutional learning at the World Bank and in the larger development community by highlighting areas where improvements can enhance the social, environmental and overall sus tainability of Bank-funded operations, further development effective ness and enhance transparency.

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