Sri Lanka’s coastal fisheries are a vital source of livelihoods, food, and nutrition, and are integral to the country’s economy, culture, and society. However, coastal fish stocks are in decline and fail to meet domestic demand, leading to negative repercussions on livelihoods. This Case Study Note explores how Social Protection and Jobs (SPJ) policies and programs can help rebuild and maintain sustainable coastal fisheries in Sri Lanka, with a focus on the spiny lobster fishery on the south coast. The authors reviewed Sri Lanka’s evolving SPJ policies and programs to see how they may help fishers cope with short-term losses due to a potential extended closure aimed at rebuilding the lobster stock and complement long-term fishery management measures to, among other things, ensure that fishing effort does not increase. The authors also analyzed socio-economic survey data on coastal fishers, including their aspirations for education and livelihood improvement. Opportunities identified to link SPJ with fisheries management are included in this case study.

Integrating Social Protection and Economic Inclusion with Management of Sri Lanka’s Coastal Fisheries

Resource Key: B5G59MTB

Document Type: Report



  • Tijen Arin
  • Hasanthi Shalika Subasinghe
  • Annabelle Bladon
  • Tiloka Sunayani De Silva

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Washington D.C.

Institution: World Bank

Date: 2024

Language: en

Sri Lanka’s coastal fisheries are a vital source of livelihoods, food, and nutrition, and are integral to the country’s economy, culture, and society. However, coastal fish stocks are in decline and fail to meet domestic demand, leading to negative repercussions on livelihoods. This Case Study Note explores how Social Protection and Jobs (SPJ) policies and programs can help rebuild and maintain sustainable coastal fisheries in Sri Lanka, with a focus on the spiny lobster fishery on the south coast. The authors reviewed Sri Lanka’s evolving SPJ policies and programs to see how they may help fishers cope with short-term losses due to a potential extended closure aimed at rebuilding the lobster stock and complement long-term fishery management measures to, among other things, ensure that fishing effort does not increase. The authors also analyzed socio-economic survey data on coastal fishers, including their aspirations for education and livelihood improvement. Opportunities identified to link SPJ with fisheries management are included in this case study.

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