The policies of the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Equator Principles, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and other international ö nance institutions address involuntary resettlement. These institutions are the main drivers of how to address resettlement in developing countries. Donor policies on invol-untary resettlement cover both physical displacement and economic dislocation (loss of assets or access to assets that leads to loss of livelihood) as a result of land acquisition or restrictions on land use. Resettlement is involuntary when those aff ected cannot refuse, because expropriation could occur, even if those displaced willingly agree to compensa-tion. Experience shows that people suff er when their rights are not respected.

Involuntary Resettlement: Good Practice According to Donor Policies

Resource Key: C2N5Z6XR

Document Type: Report



  • Gordon Appleby
  • Charlotte Bingham

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}


Institution: IAIA

Date: 2017


The policies of the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Equator Principles, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and other international ö nance institutions address involuntary resettlement. These institutions are the main drivers of how to address resettlement in developing countries. Donor policies on invol-untary resettlement cover both physical displacement and economic dislocation (loss of assets or access to assets that leads to loss of livelihood) as a result of land acquisition or restrictions on land use. Resettlement is involuntary when those aff ected cannot refuse, because expropriation could occur, even if those displaced willingly agree to compensa-tion. Experience shows that people suff er when their rights are not respected.

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