Local benefit sharing is about ensuring that host and impacted communities receive value from industrial projects located on their lands, in the form of social, economic, and environmental gains. This paper specifically focuses on local-level benefit-sharing approaches deployed by wind and solar projects and ways that these approaches can be optimized to create value for developers and operators and host communities. It underscores the importance of promoting equity in the local level benefit sharing mechanisms sponsored by wind and solar projects. By sharing lessons from the implementation of benefit-sharing programs with wind and solar decision makers—owners, developers, operators, and company executives and managers—as well as company staff tasked with sustainability, community relations, and social and environmental performance, the paper is designed to stimulate discussion and help frame future projects’ approaches to this critical issue.

Local Benefit Sharing in Large-Scale Wind and Solar Projects

Resource Key: T99SS4K9

Document Type: Report



  • IFC

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Washington D.C.

Institution: IFC

Date: June 2019


Local benefit sharing is about ensuring that host and impacted communities receive value from industrial projects located on their lands, in the form of social, economic, and environmental gains. This paper specifically focuses on local-level benefit-sharing approaches deployed by wind and solar projects and ways that these approaches can be optimized to create value for developers and operators and host communities. It underscores the importance of promoting equity in the local level benefit sharing mechanisms sponsored by wind and solar projects. By sharing lessons from the implementation of benefit-sharing programs with wind and solar decision makers—owners, developers, operators, and company executives and managers—as well as company staff tasked with sustainability, community relations, and social and environmental performance, the paper is designed to stimulate discussion and help frame future projects’ approaches to this critical issue.

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