A GLOBAL MOVEMENT Our mission is to mobilize a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to create the world we want. To do this, we provide a principle-based framework drawn from key UN Conventions and Declarations, guidance and best practices, resources and networking events that are evolving how companies do business responsibly and keep their commitments to society. We are unparalleled in our ability to unite companies with all the stakeholders needed to advance sustainable development: Governments, civil society, labour, educators, investors and the United Nations. By catalyzing bold actions, innovation, partnerships and collaboration, together with our companies, we make transforming the world possible. Launched in 2000, the United Nations Global Compact is a call to companies to align strategies and operations with ten universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals Today, with more than 9,500 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, and more than 70 Local Networks, we are spreading the word far and wide that companies everywhere — of all sizes and from all sectors — can play a role in improving our world. OUR SISTER INITIATIVES With a mandate from the UN General Assembly to “advance United Nations values and responsible business practices within the United Nations system and among the global business community,” the UN Global Compact has a solid track record for impact, and several sister initiatives to help us do it. We launched and continue to have close alliances with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) — the largest responsible investment and responsible management education initiatives in the world, respectively. All of our activities are anchored in Local Networks based in 76 countries, and our Global Compact Cities Programme provides a framework for translating our Ten Principles into day-to-day urban governance and management, with 80 cities across

Making Global Goals Local Business: A New Era for Responsible Business

Resource Key: GA78HVPC

Document Type: Report



  • United Nations Global Compact

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: New York

Institution: United Nations Global Compact Office

Date: 2017


A GLOBAL MOVEMENT Our mission is to mobilize a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to create the world we want. To do this, we provide a principle-based framework drawn from key UN Conventions and Declarations, guidance and best practices, resources and networking events that are evolving how companies do business responsibly and keep their commitments to society. We are unparalleled in our ability to unite companies with all the stakeholders needed to advance sustainable development: Governments, civil society, labour, educators, investors and the United Nations. By catalyzing bold actions, innovation, partnerships and collaboration, together with our companies, we make transforming the world possible. Launched in 2000, the United Nations Global Compact is a call to companies to align strategies and operations with ten universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals Today, with more than 9,500 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, and more than 70 Local Networks, we are spreading the word far and wide that companies everywhere — of all sizes and from all sectors — can play a role in improving our world. OUR SISTER INITIATIVES With a mandate from the UN General Assembly to “advance United Nations values and responsible business practices within the United Nations system and among the global business community,” the UN Global Compact has a solid track record for impact, and several sister initiatives to help us do it. We launched and continue to have close alliances with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) — the largest responsible investment and responsible management education initiatives in the world, respectively. All of our activities are anchored in Local Networks based in 76 countries, and our Global Compact Cities Programme provides a framework for translating our Ten Principles into day-to-day urban governance and management, with 80 cities across

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