This Technical Note on Human Rights (TN) aims to provide support to IDB Borrowers in identifying and addressing human rights risks and impacts on IDB-financed projects under the new ESPF. The information contained in this note may also be relevant to a wider audience, including IDB staff and external stakeholders.
The Technical Note outlines how human rights are addressed by the ESPF’s ten Environmental and Social Performance Standards (ESPS) and various other IDB policies and
provides information on key human rights issues in the LAC region. With a particular focus on ESPF requirements, the Technical Note focuses on how Borrowers can integrate a human
rights lens into the design and implementation of IDB-financed projects. As such, it also provides key guidance on stakeholder engagement and effective grievance management,
as these are key parts of the human rights-based approach under the ESPF. Finally, the Technical Note looks at the importance for collaborative approaches to working on human
rights issues, particularly when addressing complex and contextual challenges.

Managing Human Rights Risks in IDB Projects: Requirements of the IDB’s Environmental and Social Policy Framework

Resource Key: RX3WWG2H

Document Type: Report



  • Steve Gibbons
  • Marcella Klinker
  • Estefania Murray

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Washington D.C.

Institution: Inter-American Development Bank

Date: May 2022


This Technical Note on Human Rights (TN) aims to provide support to IDB Borrowers in identifying and addressing human rights risks and impacts on IDB-financed projects under the new ESPF. The information contained in this note may also be relevant to a wider audience, including IDB staff and external stakeholders.
The Technical Note outlines how human rights are addressed by the ESPF’s ten Environmental and Social Performance Standards (ESPS) and various other IDB policies and
provides information on key human rights issues in the LAC region. With a particular focus on ESPF requirements, the Technical Note focuses on how Borrowers can integrate a human
rights lens into the design and implementation of IDB-financed projects. As such, it also provides key guidance on stakeholder engagement and effective grievance management,
as these are key parts of the human rights-based approach under the ESPF. Finally, the Technical Note looks at the importance for collaborative approaches to working on human
rights issues, particularly when addressing complex and contextual challenges.

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