The Atlas offers a broad overview of opportunities and challenges, in order to demonstrate the actual and potential contributions of every part of the oil and gas sector to the achievement of the SDGs—from exploration and production through to pipelines, refining, transportation and retail. The Atlas outlines the typical roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in enhancing the industry’s contribution to sustainable development. It presents examples of good practice in the industry, alongside existing knowledge and resources on sustainable development that could help the industry make useful contributions to the SDGs. The Atlas presents the SDGs goal by goal, focusing on the contribution the oil and gas industry can make to each goal by integrating it into core business operations and by identifying opportunities for oil and gas companies to collaborate with other stakeholders and leverage experiences and resources in support of the goal. Each chapter also includes case studies of innovative and sustained efforts by companies, often working collaboratively.

Mapping the Oil and Gas Industry to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas

Resource Key: HWYTH9VU

Document Type: Report



  • IFC
  • UNDP

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: London

Institution: IPIECA, IFC & UNDP

Date: 2017


The Atlas offers a broad overview of opportunities and challenges, in order to demonstrate the actual and potential contributions of every part of the oil and gas sector to the achievement of the SDGs—from exploration and production through to pipelines, refining, transportation and retail. The Atlas outlines the typical roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in enhancing the industry’s contribution to sustainable development. It presents examples of good practice in the industry, alongside existing knowledge and resources on sustainable development that could help the industry make useful contributions to the SDGs. The Atlas presents the SDGs goal by goal, focusing on the contribution the oil and gas industry can make to each goal by integrating it into core business operations and by identifying opportunities for oil and gas companies to collaborate with other stakeholders and leverage experiences and resources in support of the goal. Each chapter also includes case studies of innovative and sustained efforts by companies, often working collaboratively.

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