The objective of the report is to synthesize the existing empirical research on mining, regional de velopment and benefit-sharing in developed coun tries. Specifically, the report presents a review of the literature addressing how the regional development impacts of mining ventures (e.g., employment multi pliers) can be comprehended and assessed empirically, as well as the role of various benefit-sharing instru ments in generating a more inclusive development. These issues are analyzed in the context of selected practical experiences in important developed mining Abstract countries such as Australia, Canada, Chile and the USA. Important issues and challenges that deserve in creased attention in future research are identified and discussed. These include, for instance, the relationship between mining competitiveness and benefit-sharing as well as the efficient use of regional development investment funds. Moreover, the regional-economic impacts of mining ventures are overall highly con text-specific, and there is a need for comparative research understanding important differences across countries and regions.