The objectives of this Guidanceon (Upstream) Natural Gas are to identify good practice with respect to natural gas exploration, development and production (“upstream”) activities, paying particular attention to: upstream gas policy, strategy, licensing; legal, contractual and regulatory requirements; and fiscal regimes. Insights on the key requirements for downstream gas activities beyond gas production are also presented, as gas can only be exploited if it is sold to end-users willing to pay the appropriate price.The Guidance addresses essential upstream gas strategy and policy decisions for developing countries, the options available and good practice in the upstream sector as related to legislation, fiscal and regulatory regimes, and contracts.

Natural Gas Guidance Note

Resource Key: A5NGQKY6

Document Type: Report



  • EI Sourcebook

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}



Date: 2011


The objectives of this Guidanceon (Upstream) Natural Gas are to identify good practice with respect to natural gas exploration, development and production (“upstream”) activities, paying particular attention to: upstream gas policy, strategy, licensing; legal, contractual and regulatory requirements; and fiscal regimes. Insights on the key requirements for downstream gas activities beyond gas production are also presented, as gas can only be exploited if it is sold to end-users willing to pay the appropriate price.The Guidance addresses essential upstream gas strategy and policy decisions for developing countries, the options available and good practice in the upstream sector as related to legislation, fiscal and regulatory regimes, and contracts.

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