Energy landscape in New South Wales: The NSW Government has announced ambitious plans to transform the energy system from reliance on coal-fired power to 80% renewable energy by 2030. The Electricity Infrastructure and Investment Act 2020 (NSW) passed in 2020, gave effect to the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap. The Roadmap is the Governmentʼs plan to transform the electricity system. To deliver the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, the government announced five Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) where they will coordinate investment in transmission and generation to achieve these targets. REZs have been declared in the Central-West Orana, New England, South West, Hunter-Central Coast and the Illawarra Region. The Government says it will also build about 4,000 kilometres of new transmission infrastructure in the next 20 years. The NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap includes measures to realise Aboriginal interests in the energy transition plans. These are captured through the necessity of proponents in the REZs to address identified local Aboriginal aspirations as set out in the First Nations Guidelines. The changing nature of NSWʼs electricity generation over time can be viewed at this resource.

New South Wales Policy Overview: First Peoples and Clean Energy

Resource Key: ZSNR262V

Document Type: Report



  • Heidi Norman
  • Therese Apolonio
  • Chris Briggs
  • Fergus Nelson

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Australia

Institution: First Nations Clean Energy Network

Date: November 2023

Language: en

Energy landscape in New South Wales: The NSW Government has announced ambitious plans to transform the energy system from reliance on coal-fired power to 80% renewable energy by 2030. The Electricity Infrastructure and Investment Act 2020 (NSW) passed in 2020, gave effect to the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap. The Roadmap is the Governmentʼs plan to transform the electricity system. To deliver the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, the government announced five Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) where they will coordinate investment in transmission and generation to achieve these targets. REZs have been declared in the Central-West Orana, New England, South West, Hunter-Central Coast and the Illawarra Region. The Government says it will also build about 4,000 kilometres of new transmission infrastructure in the next 20 years. The NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap includes measures to realise Aboriginal interests in the energy transition plans. These are captured through the necessity of proponents in the REZs to address identified local Aboriginal aspirations as set out in the First Nations Guidelines. The changing nature of NSWʼs electricity generation over time can be viewed at this resource.

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