This position statement sets out ICMM members’ approach to engaging with indigenous peoples1and to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) and replaces ICMM’s 2008 Mining and indigenous peoples position statement. ICMM’s vision is for constructive relationships between mining and metals companies and indigenous peoples that are based on mutual respect, meaningful engagement, trust and mutual benefit. Recognising the potential vulnerability of indigenous peoples, the commitments in this position statement may be summarised as requiring members to:• respect the rights, interests, special connections to lands and waters, and perspectives of indigenous peoples, where mining projects are to be located on lands traditionally owned by or under customary use of indigenous peoples• adopt and apply engagement and consultation processes that ensure the meaningful participation of indigenous communities in decision making, through a process that is consistent with their traditional decision-making processes and is based on good faith negotiation• work to obtain the consent of indigenous peoples where required by this position statement.

Position statement on indigenous peoples and mining

Resource Key: 7BFCXRWX

Document Type: Report



  • ICMM

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}



Date: 2013


This position statement sets out ICMM members’ approach to engaging with indigenous peoples1and to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) and replaces ICMM’s 2008 Mining and indigenous peoples position statement. ICMM’s vision is for constructive relationships between mining and metals companies and indigenous peoples that are based on mutual respect, meaningful engagement, trust and mutual benefit. Recognising the potential vulnerability of indigenous peoples, the commitments in this position statement may be summarised as requiring members to:• respect the rights, interests, special connections to lands and waters, and perspectives of indigenous peoples, where mining projects are to be located on lands traditionally owned by or under customary use of indigenous peoples• adopt and apply engagement and consultation processes that ensure the meaningful participation of indigenous communities in decision making, through a process that is consistent with their traditional decision-making processes and is based on good faith negotiation• work to obtain the consent of indigenous peoples where required by this position statement.

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