A Project Gender Action Plan (GAP) is ADB’s key gender mainstreaming tool and mechanism for ensuring gender-inclusive design and implementation of projects. GAPs give visibility to and accountability for gender mainstreaming. They make gender mainstreaming tangible and explicit in program and project design and implementation. GAPs include quotas, targets, activities, and design features to address gender-equality issues, and to facilitate women’s involvement, participation in, and tangible benefits from the project. GAPs provide a road map for project implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. GAPs help deliver practical benefits to women and facilitate strategic changes in gender relations.

Preparing a Project Gender Action Plan

Resource Key: YUYC844K

Document Type: Report



  • Asian Development Bank

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Japan

Institution: Asian Development Bank

Date: April 2013


A Project Gender Action Plan (GAP) is ADB’s key gender mainstreaming tool and mechanism for ensuring gender-inclusive design and implementation of projects. GAPs give visibility to and accountability for gender mainstreaming. They make gender mainstreaming tangible and explicit in program and project design and implementation. GAPs include quotas, targets, activities, and design features to address gender-equality issues, and to facilitate women’s involvement, participation in, and tangible benefits from the project. GAPs provide a road map for project implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. GAPs help deliver practical benefits to women and facilitate strategic changes in gender relations.

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