The Principles for Responsible Banking and their mechanisms for implementation and accountability are captured in three primary documents: The Principles Signature Docu ment, the Key Steps to be Implemented by Signatories, and the Reporting and Self-As sessment Template. These are referred to as the Principles for Responsible Banking
Framework Documents. The purpose of this Guidance Document is to support the implementation of the Princi ples by providing non-binding guidance to banks on measures they can take to imple ment each Principle.1 Each section of the document begins with the Principle, an introductory paragraph that sets out the intention of the Principle and a summary of what the Principle requires from a signatory. This is followed by suggested measures banks can employ to implement each Principle, key resources banks can use, and examples that provide some concrete ideas. The document ends with a high-level example of what implementation of the Principles could look like in the first
four years.