This brief looks at the tenure policies pursued by colonial and early post-colonial governments in Sub-Saharan Africa, to help explain current policies.1 The focus is on how the customary land rights of Africans were treated, especially with respect to forests, rangelands, marshlands, and other collectively held resources.

Putting 20th-Century Land Policies in Perspective: Rights to Resources in Crisis – Reviewing the Fate of Customary Tenure in Africa – Brief #2 of 5

Resource Key: GHYFI4FB

Document Type: Report



  • Liz Alden Wily

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Washington D.C.

Institution: Rights + Resources Intiative (RRI)

Date: November 2011


This brief looks at the tenure policies pursued by colonial and early post-colonial governments in Sub-Saharan Africa, to help explain current policies.1 The focus is on how the customary land rights of Africans were treated, especially with respect to forests, rangelands, marshlands, and other collectively held resources.

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