This report provides essential lessons and Foreword 5 guidance to companies and governments to reduce mining conflicts and to promote re sponsible mining. Interestingly, the toolkit highlights the fact that every mining challenge is very local but the critical issues related to re sponsible mining are inherently international: The toolkit arises from a particular situation in Central Asia where the extractive industry is a very important part of the national economies, but it is equally useful in all mining countries, including Finland.

Responsible Mining: A toolkit for the prevention and mediation of conflicts in the development of the mining sector

Resource Key: H9MRAZI4

Document Type: Report


Series Editor:

  • G. Hughes


  • Rauno Sairnen
  • P. Rinne
  • M. Halonen
  • O. Simonett
  • Ch. Stuhlberger
  • H. Tianen
  • T. Honkonen
  • P. Tommila
  • V. Bogtetsky
  • V. Novikov
  • K. Isabaev
  • G. Soronkulov
  • N. Mendibaev
  • K. Ibraev
  • O. Pechenyuk
  • Ph. Peck
  • J. Lunabba

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Geneva, Switzerland; Joensuu, Finland; Helsinki, Finland

Institution: Zoï Environment Network, University of Eastern Finland, Gaia Group Oy

Date: 2012


This report provides essential lessons and Foreword 5 guidance to companies and governments to reduce mining conflicts and to promote re sponsible mining. Interestingly, the toolkit highlights the fact that every mining challenge is very local but the critical issues related to re sponsible mining are inherently international: The toolkit arises from a particular situation in Central Asia where the extractive industry is a very important part of the national economies, but it is equally useful in all mining countries, including Finland.

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