The aim of this scoping study, the Status of the Implementation of the UNGPs on Business and Human Rights in Europe and Central Asia, is to map the current situation of Business and Human Rights (BHR) in the 18 countries and territories of Europe and Central Asia, referred to for the purpose of this study as Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (‘ECA region’) The study starts by contextualizing Business and Human Rights in the region and thereafter follows the structure of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the ‘Guiding Principles’ or the UNGPs). As such, it first discusses the obligations of United Nations Member States (‘States’) to protect human rights under Pillar I of the UNGPs. Thereafter, it describes challenges, but also good practices of some corporations in the region according to Pillar II. Under Pillar III, the study examines access to remedy frameworks and how rights-holders can enforce accountability for business-related human rights abuses. The study proceeds to examine some cross-cutting regional trends, before moving to conclusions and reflections. Finally, it sets out recommendations on how to advance the Business and Human Rights agenda in the region.