This sourcebook describes good practice in the application of social analysis to Bank-supported operations. It is based on the lessons learned from five years of Bank experience (1997-2002) in addressing social dimensions through the use of social assessments by Borrowers to inform project design, and by social develop ment specialists in project preparation and appraisal. This sourcebook does not represent operational policy and does not describe minimum requirements for Bank-supported projects. This sourcebook represents work in progress. It describes the conceptual ap proach recommended by the Social Development Board as good practice and illustrates how this can inform the project cycle. Sector-specific guidance will be prepared and issued subsequently

Social Analysis Sourcebook: Incorporating Social Dimensions into Bank-Supported Projects

Resource Key: YBBEQS9E

Document Type: Book



  • World Bank

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Washington D.C.


Date: December 2003


This sourcebook describes good practice in the application of social analysis to Bank-supported operations. It is based on the lessons learned from five years of Bank experience (1997-2002) in addressing social dimensions through the use of social assessments by Borrowers to inform project design, and by social develop ment specialists in project preparation and appraisal. This sourcebook does not represent operational policy and does not describe minimum requirements for Bank-supported projects. This sourcebook represents work in progress. It describes the conceptual ap proach recommended by the Social Development Board as good practice and illustrates how this can inform the project cycle. Sector-specific guidance will be prepared and issued subsequently

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