What is New: The proposed update to the SESP Template and Guidance includes the following top-line revisions: Alignment of the screening template and guidance with the draft revised UNDP Social and Environmental Standards (SES), including alignment with the updated UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (formerly UNDAF) Guidance Alignment with UNDP’s updated Programme and Project Management (PPM) Policy Alignment with UNDP’s updated Enterprise Risk Management Policy (ERM), including changes to social and environmental risk descriptions and ratings Added additional “Substantial” Risk project categorization to align with ERM Policy Consolidated guidance on how to respond to SESP questions into body of SESP Guidance Note,
which will be integrated into online tool Added further guidance on specifying the types of assessments and management plans needed per risk category and per Programming Principles and Project-level Standards (SESP Questions 5 and 6) Modified SESP template Question 5 for screeners to indicate overall types of needed assessments and management plans Rephrased SESP Template Question 6 to sharpen descriptions ofrisk-specific assessments and management measures. Streamlined wording of Social and Environmental Risk Checklist questions Updated indicative list of High Risk projects (Annex 2)

Social and Environmental Screening Procedure

Resource Key: RHL8ECFQ

Document Type: Report



  • UNDP

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: Washington D.C.

Institution: UNDP

Date: 2019

Language: en

What is New: The proposed update to the SESP Template and Guidance includes the following top-line revisions: Alignment of the screening template and guidance with the draft revised UNDP Social and Environmental Standards (SES), including alignment with the updated UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (formerly UNDAF) Guidance Alignment with UNDP’s updated Programme and Project Management (PPM) Policy Alignment with UNDP’s updated Enterprise Risk Management Policy (ERM), including changes to social and environmental risk descriptions and ratings Added additional “Substantial” Risk project categorization to align with ERM Policy Consolidated guidance on how to respond to SESP questions into body of SESP Guidance Note,
which will be integrated into online tool Added further guidance on specifying the types of assessments and management plans needed per risk category and per Programming Principles and Project-level Standards (SESP Questions 5 and 6) Modified SESP template Question 5 for screeners to indicate overall types of needed assessments and management plans Rephrased SESP Template Question 6 to sharpen descriptions ofrisk-specific assessments and management measures. Streamlined wording of Social and Environmental Risk Checklist questions Updated indicative list of High Risk projects (Annex 2)

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