In March 2018, the Social Impact Assessment Guideline (SIA Guideline) was prepared by the Coordinator-General identifying the requirements for preparing an SIA. The SIA Guideline is a statutory instrument for resource projects and a non-statutory instrument for non-resource projects where they are subject to an EIS process under the SDPWO Act or EP Act. The SIA Guideline requires that an SIA must address the following five key matters: community and stakeholder engagement, workforce management, housing and accommodation, local business and industry procurement, health and community well-being. The Coordinator-General has developed this non-statutory guidance to support the SIA Guideline and provide direction on: • the general requirements for the SIA process, including objectives, principles, who to engage and how to engage, and how to consider each key matter with regard to the six phases of the SIA: scoping: identification of issues to be considered; baseline analysis: potential baseline indicators and data sources; impact Assessment: assessment of potential impacts and benefits; impact mitigation and benefit enhancement measures: methods to mitigate potential impacts and enhance benefits; social impact management plan (SIMP): details to be included in the plan relating to each key matter (which forms part of the SIMP); requirements for monitoring, review and update: monitoring and review requirements, and example monitoring protocols. • addressing key matters required under the SIA guideline, and their integration across the six phases • carrying out an SIA that respects and considers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Each project is unique, and it is the proponent’s responsibility to ensure that the methods used in the SIA are appropriate to the nature and scale of the project, the sensitivity of the social environment, and the scope and significance of the potential positive and negative social impacts. This is a dynamic document, to be reviewed and revised over time to reflect changes to social values, assessment considerations and public expectations.