Quality infrastructure provides a foundation for future human prosperity and well-being while protecting the
planet. The Blue Dot Network, founded by the governments of Australia, Japan and the United States, aims to support and attract investment into quality infrastructure in order to help bridge the estimated USD 2.5-3.5 trillion infrastructure investment gap and support the pathway to global net-zero emissions. It seeks to achieve this by establishing a voluntary, private-sector focused, government-supported and globally-recognised framework that encourages quality infrastructure investment through certifying projects that are environmentally and socially sustainable, resilient, open and inclusive, transparent, debt sustainable and economically efficient. At the request of the founding members, the OECD has provided technical support and policy advice, and convened stakeholders in the form of an Executive Consultation Group, comprising over 170 senior leaders from the private sector, civil society, trade unions and academia, to assist in developing a certification framework and a review mechanism. The findings in this report outline suggestions made by the OECD with input from stakeholders to operationalise the Blue Dot Network. Quality infrastructure projects should be developed in alignment with the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment and other relevant standards such as the IFC Performance Standards, the Equator Principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. They are projects that are more likely to deliver beneficial outcomes for society while lowering risks for investors and stakeholders. The Blue Dot Network Vision Statement and the ten Blue Dot Network Elements express the core values of quality infrastructure investment.