This document comprises a series of modules containing information to support the implementation of the requirements contained in the Equator Principles on scope, climate change (Principle 2 and Annex A of the Equator Principles), Designated Countries and applicable standards (Principle 3), and reporting (Principles 5, 10 and Annex B of the Equator Principles). This document does not intend to establish new principles or requirements. Each Equator Principles Financial Institution (EPFI) should make implementation decisions based on its institution’s policy, practice and procedures. Unless stated otherwise, all references to the ‘Equator Principles’ in this document relate to the Equator Principles text dated July 2020. Furthermore, the frequently used term ‘asset’ does not refer to the financial product Asset Finance. In this document, the term ‘asset’ has a broader meaning and is used to describe the physical Project e.g. a power plant, oil field etc. Finally, it should be noted that the content in this document will be developed over time to reflect the experience of EPFIs and clients, and in response to other changes affecting implementation (e.g. regulatory developments, technological advances).