How are companies currently supporting a world in which these goals can become a reality – a world in which land-related human rights are respected across all areas of business activity? Examples illustrated by the case studies below include: • mining companies operating in the same region are engaging in similar initiatives around stakeholder engagement: Three diamond mines in the Northwest Territories of Canada are linked to independent monitoring agencies set up to protect the environmental and land rights of afected Aboriginal groups at all stages of the mines’ life cycles. • A large buyer of a high-risk commodity is partnering with an international civil society organization: A global food and beverage brand is participating in a new model for socially and environmentally sustainable palm oil production that focuses on participatory and inclusive land-use planning and development. • An oil and gas company is working with trained community members to support early-stage dialogue with indigenous populations: An extractives exploration project in Bolivia is working with community liaison ofcers to implement proactive engagement strategies with local indigenous populations based on past experiences and key lessons learned. The case studies below explore each of these innovative and evolving models in more detail. Each case study captures publicly available information on the initiative, alongside experiences and opinions from various actors involved. The following summaries do not claim to give a defnitive account of a specifc initiative or of all perspectives on that case study; instead, they are intended to serve as illustrative examples of how action toward corporate respect for human rights can make a critical contribution to the achievement of various goals and targets under the SDGs.

The Human Rights Opportunity: 15 real-life cases of how business is contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals by putting people first

Resource Key: CA7DGRY8

Document Type: Report



  • Shift

Creators Name: {mb_resource_zotero_creatorsname}

Place: New York

Institution: Shift

Date: July 2018


How are companies currently supporting a world in which these goals can become a reality – a world in which land-related human rights are respected across all areas of business activity? Examples illustrated by the case studies below include: • mining companies operating in the same region are engaging in similar initiatives around stakeholder engagement: Three diamond mines in the Northwest Territories of Canada are linked to independent monitoring agencies set up to protect the environmental and land rights of afected Aboriginal groups at all stages of the mines’ life cycles. • A large buyer of a high-risk commodity is partnering with an international civil society organization: A global food and beverage brand is participating in a new model for socially and environmentally sustainable palm oil production that focuses on participatory and inclusive land-use planning and development. • An oil and gas company is working with trained community members to support early-stage dialogue with indigenous populations: An extractives exploration project in Bolivia is working with community liaison ofcers to implement proactive engagement strategies with local indigenous populations based on past experiences and key lessons learned. The case studies below explore each of these innovative and evolving models in more detail. Each case study captures publicly available information on the initiative, alongside experiences and opinions from various actors involved. The following summaries do not claim to give a defnitive account of a specifc initiative or of all perspectives on that case study; instead, they are intended to serve as illustrative examples of how action toward corporate respect for human rights can make a critical contribution to the achievement of various goals and targets under the SDGs.

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