This paper aims to take this work forward by providing an overview of how traditional occupations are or could possibly be covered better in labour statistics, including options for a statistical definition and statistical indicators. An earlier draft of the paper was discussed in a consultation with indigenous experts in late 2021. The current version has benefited greatly from the insights and observations of these experts. It has been prepared to facilitate further consultations among indigenous peoples’ representatives and experts and among statistical experts from relevant national institutions and UN system entities. It seeks to provide a basis for further discussion and development of definitive and comprehensive guidance and supporting materials on the collection and compilation of statistics on traditional occupations and the preparation of future reports presenting data on indigenous peoples for use in particular by: 1) staff in national statistical offices and other research agencies who wish to compile statistics on indigenous populations and their occupations; 2) researchers preparing reports and studies on traditional occupations; and 3) representatives of indigenous and tribal peoples who want to understand the information available and help shape the development of information on traditional occupations.